by Robert Skinner I never find it easy to write about Serge Benhayon, not because there is little to say, for there are volumes to be written, rather the challenge is in capturing in words on a page the vastness of the love that Serge brings to everything and everyone that he touches. So just as when I look into the stars at night, I can only focus on a small aspect of such a vast and ever-expanding Universe, I shall do the same here and focus on three aspects of Serge’s vast expression and how these have activated changes in my own life. |
Serge once offered to me that what he felt would support me in life was less trying and more allowing. This was like a bell resonating in my body, starting gently at first and then building to the point that my whole body was resonating in the quality that was felt in this simple offering.
A couple of days later, I was lying on the floor on my back, breathing gently and repeating the word allow in my mind. It felt that with each breath I was allowing a warmth and surrender to move deeper and deeper into my body. Finally, the warmth reached my lower back, an area of my body that had been locked up and often extremely painful for over 20 years. My lower back felt warmer and warmer and then without warning, the warmth bridged through my lower back and right down to my legs. As this happened, my whole pelvis moved, re-aligned and my lower back released. That was my last time that I felt real pain in my back, some 10 years ago now.
All of this trying in life had led me to develop behaviours and a lifestyle that were absolutely unloving and completely exhausting, hence, as I was to later discover, the true reason for my lower back pain. So how was it that a man that I hardly knew and that definitely did not know my life history, could so accurately feel exactly the way that I had been living my life and how it was holding me back, and then offer a few words of wisdom that had the potential to release me from my past and allow me to start living my future.
The remarkable aspect to this story is not the healing of my back, for there are thousands all over the world that have had miraculous healings supported by Serge Benhayon. When people refer to him as the Master Healer, they are in fact capturing the way that an outsider would see what he offers, but miss the true miracle that is being offered, that being, that we all actually heal ourselves by re-connecting to the love and divine beings that we are, whilst being supported by the many amazing modalities that are available to us all today including traditional western medicine and the many true complementary therapies.
This was the journey that Serge offered me, simply by reflecting to me that I was already everything, that beneath the trying, the struggle, the unloving behaviours and the way I saw myself, was a beautiful, tender, caring and very lovely man, me.
Serge always saw me as this first and slowly I began to accept this in myself.
It was this that was my healing process; my exhaustion, back pain and depression were merely the way my behaviours had manifested in my body and, as I made every step of my life more loving, my body simply responded by returning to a more harmonious state.
Every time that Serge presents, whether in person, at a healing course, on social media such as Serge Benhayon TV or in one of his many amazing books, he is always deeply humble and offers that all that is being expressed is through him rather than from him and, that this same wisdom is available to us all equally. He does not see himself as special or gifted and has no identification with any of the work that he presents, rather, that he is simply responding to what is needed at that time.
I have always been a keen student of medicine, psychology, healing modalities, religion and history, and the amazing thing that I have found is that all the true great teachers and philosophers have always presented in the same manner. That is, they present exactly what is needed for others and never come from a personal agenda or seek reward or recognition for what is presented.
In the Book Esoteric Teachings and Revelations, Serge offers many simple reflections to us about life. Simple they may be, yet they offer the opportunity to stop and truly feel what kind of relationship we wish to have with ourselves and with life. An example follows:
‘Every choice before us leads to the quality of what happens next’ - Serge Benhayon
It is this livingness that is so profound for me, for to the best of my abilities I can live all that is offered to me and then bring this same reflection to my family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. It has already made an enormous difference to the quality of my relationships, my work and my well-being.
‘Life is about re-connecting to who we truly are.
Once this has been attained,
it is about allowing others to do the same’ - Serge Benhayon
Next, he reveals that we have a responsibility to live who we truly are and by living this in full, we are offering others by reflection, the space and allowing for them to re-connect to who they truly are.
This is exactly the way that Serge lives his life, in every moment, and what he has offered me and everyone else who has met him. So, here we have a man that lives the exact quality of all that he presents in his many forms of expression to the world. For me, this is what makes what he presents so powerful, as I don’t just hear or read the words, I can observe what this looks and feels like for a person to live. It is this aspect that has been truly inspirational to me.
This is further expanded in the quality of the way the whole Benhayon family live. They are a normal family, dealing with all that life requires on a practical level – work, children, school, colds and flus – dealing with all that is presented. What is different is that everything that life presents is viewed as an opportunity to develop understanding, to deepen, to evolve. This is such a contrast to what most of us observe around us, where people are constantly in reaction to life and what it presents.
The final and most remarkable aspect of Serge’s expression, and his greatest legacy to us all, is as a true leader of mankind. He is fully informed and totally aware of all that has happened and is currently happening in the world. This awareness of the real conditions that people are living in and his absolute connection to where we are all going, allows him to present and offer to humanity the tools and resources that we need now, and will need in the future, to finally return to a way of living in harmony and love with ourselves and each other. His many books and the healing modalities that he has presented are a great testament to this process.
He also presents that there is no trying, striving, pushing ourselves, conquering any amazing frontiers or technological breakthroughs required. It is simply a case of us all learning to love and truly care for ourselves again, and then share this quality with all we meet and all that we do in the world. And this is exactly the way that he lives his life, with purpose, dedication, responsibility, love and great joy.