Serge Benhayon The Teacher
Serge Benhayon has been presenting the teachings of Universal Medicine, the Ageless Wisdom and its Philosophy for over 15 years, delivering a catalogue of presentations and workshops offered annually in Australia and the United Kingdom, accompanied by an extensive online audio library (inclusive of series past and present). Throughout this time, his reputation, manner and the teachings presented have been inspirational to the lives of thousands of people, and as a result, sought after by many across the globe.
Through word-of-mouth, Serge is well known and respected both nationally and internationally for his depth, accuracy, wisdom and ability to connect with people. Serge exemplifies the very essence of what we know a true teacher to be. His stage presence is inspiring, yet unimposing. His style is not in the form of a lecture on what one should or should not do, but rather a presentation about the principles, understandings and deeper wisdoms of life, its complexities made simple and its shadows brought to light and offering any listener an opportunity to take it as their own truth or leave it.
By the very principles of the teachings he presents, and lives in his every way of daily life, connection is at the fore. Over the many years, it has not mattered the gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, culture or age of a person approaching Serge, what is foremost is the connection made by the essence in which all are equal. Rare is this quality, but such is the hallmark of Serge Benhayon, for all that is presented is lived in full and neither is any part of life reserved or kept separate from what he teaches.
Serge Benhayon embodies the principle that all true knowledge, wisdom and understanding is based in awareness. All aspects of his presentations – from teaching the Esoteric Healing Modalities, presenting interactive workshops and lectures through to The Way of the Livingness Sermons and more – are delivered from the foundation that what we learn, put into practice and ultimately master be developed through awareness and not through the acquisition or amassing of information. Serge Benhayon's presentations and teachings are interactive and encourage healthy, responsible questioning from students. |
As early as 1999, Serge Benhayon’s philosophical and esoteric teachings on Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility pioneered across the world. In short, delivering the teaching that Everything is energy, therefore, everything is because of energy ~ Serge Benhayon ©1999 – presents to humanity that all we do, say and think has an energetic affect on all others and all life around us. This level of integrity, which Serge has brought to and lead the world to know, is the foundation of his manner and style as a Teacher. The man on stage is not a performance, whereby a private life is lived separately to what is seen and heard. True to his word, Serge Benhayon 'walks the talk', as will be attested by the many who have been witness to this man’s life, knowing him from the many arenas in which he presents himself (on and off-stage). It is a ‘what you see is what you get’ transparency that allows every person to truly assess whether or not these teachings are to be their chosen study and way of life or not.
What Serge did not plan nor expect in his role as Teacher and Presenter was the formation of a body or group of students. However, over a 15-year period, as a result of the love and connection that found his presence, what has since eventuated through the many worldwide who have been inspired to live the teachings in their daily life, with enormous benefits to health, wellbeing, relationships and productivity, is now known as the ‘Students of The Livingness’. These are people from all walks of life, nationalities and professions who come together, not as students of Serge Benhayon, but as students of their own truth, that is, as students of life. They are widespread and connect in the commonality of knowing that there is a deeper way to live life – one full of love, joy, harmony and vitality – all fundamental principles of The Way of the Livingness.
Serge is renowned for his profound and thus unique understanding of human life, with all its joys, and all its dilemmas. His presentations inspire his audiences around the world – offering them to consider, ponder and contemplate deeper understandings of human life as well as forming a clearer understanding of the Ageless Wisdom, empowering students to reconnect to the innate wisdom within.
Serge Benhayon is an inspiration to many thousands, and like others before him, he will be known in history as one of the greatest teachers of our times. |
Serge holds a fond love of teaching, placing great value on the expansion that occurs when truth is connected to and understood. He holds with humility that he himself is a forever student of life and therefore approaches his teachings with equal respect and openness to his audiences.