By Michelle Harford, Cornwall, UK When I was 25 I became very unwell and was unable to continue studying my university course. I found an amazing Universal Medicine Esoteric Practitioner who supported my choice to re-evaluate my lifestyle and the impact this was having on my body. For the first time in years I began to feel well and vital, with such an enormous turn around in my well-being, I wanted to know more. |
It is a great thing in life to know truth for ourselves and not believe it from someone else.
Thankfully this did not stop me finding out for myself and thank God I did not believe the lies or allow my fears to stop me. What I have learned from attending workshops has been profound, amazing and life-changing.
To the people who write the lies – consider what it means for other people if you are in fact writing something that is untrue. What if your scaremongering works, what if you stop someone accessing amazing support for their health because you are afraid and have misinterpreted truth? If something does not feel true to you, 1 million percent honour that, but to write hearsay and sensationalism across the internet is massively harmful.
Let us never assume anything or indulge in hearsay or gossip; let us take responsibility for being honest and respectful about the facts, seek to know truth as a lived experience and from this place express truth, so all may know it for many years to come and have the opportunities I have had, should they decide to go down the path of healing.