by Simon Asquith, AV production and IT technician About 7 years ago I heard a man speaking on an audio recording that was being played in the van of a friend of mine as we were on our way to a gig to play music together. I heard this guy speaking and for the first time in a very long time I heard someone who was able to make sense of things in a way that is very rare. |
Why is it that in the most advanced time of our history are we getting sicker and sicker and sicker over all?
He made sense of it all. He made sense of it all in one single hour long presentation. This was no small thing to me. The world as it is, if you really stop and take the time to observe it, is a hard place to make sense of.
7 years later I am very blessed to call this man – Serge Benhayon – my friend. I have been lucky enough to work with him very closely for some time now and I have been lucky enough to observe what life looks like when you have made sense of the world. Serge has a warmth, a care, a dedication to and love of people that is both very rare, and yet exceedingly common. Common in that the more I am around him and it – I see it everywhere. I see it in everyone. I see that this warmth, care, dedication and love of each other is actually the basis of who we all are as human beings.
What however is not common is the commitment to making our lives about that love above everything else first. This is what makes Serge Benhayon such an ordinary/extraordinary man. With Serge Benhayon everything he does comes with that as the first and foremost principle. His willingness to never ever deliver anything less than absolute commitment to this is truly inspirational to be around, magnificent to observe, and I must say – the most incredibly lovely thing to be the recipient of.
Words like these: Inspirational, Magnificent, Incredible – they can be easily cheapened in this day and age and not really felt. But say those words and feel the depth and power that they can actually hold and you will start to get a sense of what Serge Benhayon is.
There is now a global community that has sprung up around this man. A community of people who are also willing to live life where those principles are at the foundation of everything. Making everything about the care, respect and love of people first. A community that is willing to test it out. Does it work? Is there a different way we can do this together as human beings? What does it look like in every day life when we live like this?
How does it look at work? At home, in schools and in business. In family life and in the wider community. In relationships both intimate and with everyone we come into contact with.
Serge Benhayon has been a pioneer of another way of life. Another way of relating.
He offers to any who care to observe that way of life (being lived in full) the opportunity to implement it for themselves with the greatest, most dedicated support I have ever seen from any man.
We are in times of great change.
Serge Benhayon is not the leader of a revolution.
Serge Benhayon is the catalyst of evolution.