By Jonathan Cooke
We seem now to be living in an age where 'attention-grabbing' has risen in importance among the media to the point where 'shock value' is regarded as essential, if our increasingly numb and unresponsive selves are to sit up and take any notice. This phenomenon has spawned a host of self-publicists; people who have an innate talent for attracting our attention in spite of their apparent lack of any extraordinary qualities. These people today are referred to as 'Celebrities' and are apparently 'famous for being famous' and little else. |
He is telling us the Truth. His name is Serge Benhayon.
The Truth in its raw and unvarnished form is something that has obviously become rather alien to us. |
We seem to admire 'clever minds' who use sophisticated arguments to turn truth onto its head, and we gasp in amazement at these magicians as they manoeuvre their words into contorted arrangements, while they present their audacious conclusions.
Their gravity-defying antics seem to attract more attention than the plight of the poor hapless victims.
While all of this has been going on, we have neglected one hugely important aspect of ourselves; the ability to FEEL.
Enter Serge Benhayon.
Serge presents 'The Livingness' which, if we were likened to motor cars, would be a bit like opening the bonnet and taking us through all the various functions of all the constituent parts, and relating them back to the production of forward motion. The main difference of course being, that we are more than just mere anatomy!
Our visible components, despite being miraculous in the way they function, are only part of the story. In Serge's workshops, we learn about the spirit and the soul and we learn about energy.
We learn that everything is energy and that everything is because of energy. When the word 'energetic' is used, it means 'concerning energy' and is NOT referring to frenetic activity.
Far from being a self-publicist, Serge quietly gets on with the business of not only presenting, but also Healing as a practitioner, while the students of Universal Medicine and his clients spread the word about him.
He has an impressive list of lives completely turned-around by his treatment, causing a certain amount of head-scatching in parts of the medical establishment. |
I have seen him present for hours on end and I have never ever seen him refer to any notes.
This is not just impressive but EXTRAORDINARY!
Another obvious point to make is that he doesn't ever seem to tire! In fact I would go as far as to say that I have never seen him yawn once, even during a retreat which lasts for several days.
He always encourages total truthfulness, which despite its occasional squirm-inducing effect, is always liberating!
Everybody is treated equally and he doesn't 'measure' his responses to people according to their sensitivity or ability to take it. There is no compromise where the Truth is concerned! |
He does not impose upon his students. He never tells anyone to DO anything! |
It is a measure of his success that in today's toxic world, Serge Benhayon has several vociferous detractors. |
In other quarters or areas of society, these people by now, would be facing well-deserved litigation, after releasing their unjustifiable barrage of harmful lies.
However it is a measure of Serge, the man, that these people are just left alone and left to be. |
Finally, in spite of the ever-increasing demands upon his time, Serge is always there for us!
If I have a question, I e-mail Serge and he always replies without fail. What is more, his response is always full and considered and often contains food for thought.
One never receives a terse peremptory reply, ....... absolutely never. |
Serge often reminds us that love, that all important commodity, is a form of energy. Needless to say, |