by Victoria Carter | AUSTRALIA
I write this testimonial, in honour of a truly great man, and in the wake of a hate campaign and media articles that have polluted our print and broadcast media in recent years. Articles fuelled by a very small few intent on smearing and tarnishing the name and reputation of Serge Benhayon, the health and wellbeing organisation he founded, Universal Medicine, and basically anyone associated. |
Our societies and relationships today are plagued with a congenital level of distrust. We expect others to be fallible and ‘imperfect’, yes. But far deeper than that, we also harbour deep hurts that lead us to be ever wary, and commonly in expectation of being harmed, betrayed, impacted upon and all too frequently abused – including in our most intimate of relationships.
We hold walls to each other and thus walls to ourselves. In the millennia of history of which I am aware, these walls we hold to protect our hurts, and the willful harm of each other we have engaged in, have not assisted us in getting anywhere at all…
And so, the question must be asked, how many of us truly and deeply TRUST in humanity, in each other? How many of us love ourselves and each other so greatly as to see the extent of the disharmony, pain, hurt and separatism we live in – and yet continue to love, and call to account that which is not love? Not for selfish gain, but for the raising of awareness and evolution of all – that we may actually have the opportunity of building towards getting things right, at the most fundamental levels of how we relate to each other.
For the ‘micro’ is reflected in the ‘macro’. Are we willing to be fully responsible for how we are living in our homes, our workplaces and our communities? For how we behave online? For at the ‘macro’ level, the enormity of conflict, fear and distrust in our world today makes it plainly obvious that there is a deep call for us to address the way we relate to each other – and at a grass-roots, fundamental level.
Enter Serge Benhayon – a complete game-changer in this world of fractured relationships. And I do not say this lightly.
Here is a man who, in knowing him for over 14 years now, has never once said a word, exhibited a behaviour, or in any way, shape or form made me feel that I could not trust him at the deepest level. For the past 9 years in particular, I have attended with regularity, countless workshops, teachings and sessions offered by Serge. I have had conversations with him, worked on projects with him, laughed with him, sat at his family’s dinner table and been a guest in his house. And not once has any part of me ever felt anything but the most tremendous and powerful love, deepest of respect, tender care, and support for all that I am that I know to be possible.
Trust is built by such unwavering consistency.
Serge Benhayon brings it in spades.
The deepest inspiration for living in such a way has come from this man of whom I speak, Serge Benhayon, the relationship I have with him, and the way I see him consistently and without fail, interact with hundreds of others.
This is what the ‘headlines’ should be celebrating. That here is a man who can be truly trusted, who is inspiring many, many people to live with such deep integrity, deep care and love in our societies today. And yes, amongst all the cavernous separation, pain and abuse that exists.
I will state here also, that as a woman, this is indeed a very special relationship to have with a man, and it has been a catalyst for changing my relationships with all the men in my life. In knowing Serge Benhayon, nought whatsoever has ever caused the slightest flinch, let alone recoil or urge to self-protect from any aggressive, imposing or predatory energy. I say this with the utmost of understanding and respect for all men and women, for we have each been so tarnished by harm and our want to protect ourselves. Until we truly heal, we are yet capable of hurting and manipulating each other in some way, shape or form – from the harsh reactive word, to more serious forms of physical, mental and/or emotional abuse. And I say this, from the knowing in myself that I have in no way been ‘perfect’ – harmful words have left my lips on many an occasion in my life. Through taking responsibility for the way I live and making love the bottom line, this is a rarity today, and there are many relationships in my life inclusive of my marriage where the trust is very deep indeed.
And so, to truly trust another in a personal relationship, and then also in the way they are seen and constantly observed to relate to many, is a magnificent thing that is not to be taken lightly.
In the way of our world today, this is worth shouting from the rooftops, that all may know it is possible to live lives of fullness, beyond the hurts and cycles of harm that have crippled us for millennia and led to such endemic difficulties in all of our relationships and interactions with each other, to the scale of ceaseless conflicts upon our globe.
Serge Benhayon’s lead is one we can all take. Every one of us has the capacity to be the true role models and teachers humanity most desperately needs. For such greatness in love and offering of a consistent quality that can be completely trusted is the greatest teacher there is.
Let’s celebrate and not denigrate those who lead the way without one iota of seeking self-gain or aggrandisement, and not apologise for stating that yes, such people do walk amongst us. For in so doing we open the door to our true nature which does hold such a greatness of love. It’s time to stop shying away from the fact, drop the walls and commit to healing what hinders the expression of our love, and let it be known.
I thank Serge Benhayon every day of my life for his inimitable strength, to stand as such a beacon, knowing full well all that may be hurled his way, and continuing without fail to yet hold all in the greatness of his love.