by Sharon Gavioli, RN, Adult Educator, Counsellor
I cannot imagine and honestly do not want to imagine what my life would be like now without having met Serge Benhayon seven years ago. At this time, I was barely coping with life. I had significant health issues, I was 30 kg overweight, my relationship was falling apart, I didn’t like my work and I was struggling in my role as a mother. Overall not a great look and just when I felt life would never be different, I met Serge Benhayon. |
Being held with no judgment and feeling the love Serge lives in his own life, showed me there was another way to be in life. His steadiness and love has been unwavering as I slowly turned my life around to the point where now it is unrecognisable from seven years ago.
Despite my life changing from one of complete overwhelm to one where I feel very steady, healthy and full of purpose, life continued to present some curve balls which included my family experiencing the suicide of a young person in my extended family and the deaths of my younger sister and my mother in a nine month period. This was an extremely intense period however with the loving support and wisdom that was offered from Serge and from everything I had embraced from what he teaches, I was able to offer true care and support to those around me; my sister and mother during their illnesses, as well as my family who were devastated by what was happening.
Serge was always just an email away where without fail he would respond in a very short period of time, offering what was needed to deepen my understanding of what was presenting which strengthened by ability to offer love and true support for my family that did not deplete me. |
As a nurse and counsellor who witnesses the impact of these events on people on a daily basis what Serge so freely offers, often without requirement for financial payment is virtually unheard of and yet truly remarkable and deeply inspiring. |
Serge’s support also graciously extended to offering his time to see my sister and another family member with personal healing sessions during this time. This touched me deeply and I know it offered my family members a much deeper understanding of what was presenting for them.
I have also witnessed and am aware of Serge offering his love and support to a huge number of people who are also experiencing the distress, confusion and overwhelm in facing life threatening conditions or a crisis in their lives. |