By Dragana Brown In the early nineties I was diagnosed with Acne Rosacea, a skin condition that some reports say affects anything between 60 to over 100 million people world wide, an ailment not well understood at all, which affects one’s face, and as in my case, often accompanied by blepharitis (inflamed eyelids). The condition tormented me (the best way I could describe the feeling of living with the disorder) for about 17-18 years where year upon year it was getting progressively worse. |
I searched high and low for cures both in allopathic and what’s termed alternative medicine: shiatsu, acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, various dietary regimes, potions, lotions and much more… all to no avail. At some point I even underwent a thorough examination at a clinic for infectious disease because specialists struggled to diagnose it at first.
The way Serge explains things goes way beyond why. Serge is a master of the how-s, which is something our conventional medicine model could do very well to heed and hugely benefit from, in addition to all the amazing things it is already capable of.
With Serge’s guidance I began to better understand and then live to a much greater degree, not just the physical responsibility that we have towards our body, which serves us so well if we only allow it, but moreover with an appreciation that there is also an energetic responsibility for our good health to go hand in hand with the physical aspect.
Through Ancient teachings what Serge has brought back to the world is a great reminder of our innate ability to feel the unseen and that everything happens because of energy that is making it happen, as an expansion and logical conclusion on Einstein’s adage that everything is energy (E=mc2).
It was my openness to the energetic aspect of our being which allowed me to slowly see and feel for myself (to the medical science perhaps yet ‘unknown’ but not so to the science of energy) reasons for my skin condition and what the skin was eliminating from the body. After all skin is the largest excretory organ, it is only normal and expected that it should be getting rid of excess that enters it, and not just physical matters but residues from emotionally lived experiences too.
When I began to address those issues, including aeons old self-disregard, and to work with Serge on releasing them from my body, whilst at the same time, and again on Serge’s wise guidance, progressively introducing more love and tender care towards myself, something every physician would or at least ought to be prescribing, my skin very slowly and gently responded and started to heal. I say heal deliberately as opposed to go away or disappear simply because by taking responsibility to go to the heart of the problem that caused Acne Rosacea in the first place and by addressing the root cause, I allowed true healing to occur and the symptoms (spots, severe redness etc) naturally abated.
The National Health Service (NHS) UK website states that:
‘Although rosacea can't be cured, treatment can help keep the symptoms under control.’
If this statement is true, which in my case evidently cannot be said so, how did I cure Acne Rosacea? Accident? Fluke? One of those things which cannot be explained?
How the Acne Rosacea completely cleared may not be something I could take to a laboratory to claim that the energetic, followed by physical, healing that took place could be proven in order to constitute evidence based medicine. But this is not something I would even care to do. And why would anyone? Makes no sense to need proof to tell me how I feel or look. Isn’t proof in the pudding? Or on this occasion, on my face. I am my own evidence.
My body (every body) is a piece of science in itself, made up of particles that belong to the Universe; it serves as the best evidence medical science could ever have.
Meanwhile, people stand in the way of true learning as kind of evolutionary reductionists who, with high-handed tone and disregard for the aspect of us that cannot be seen by the naked eye but can very much be felt by our senses, pretend (convince themselves), in the name of science, that they have answers to everything, when evidently they don’t. Such a reductive stance crushes our ability to draw intelligence from our body particles and encourages empty scientism by using a certain type of authority that minimises the expansive nature of true intelligence.
Serge, you have enriched my life way above and beyond any Richter scale - and for that I am beholden!