by Ryan Mc Waters | UK
At one time or another many of us have felt that there is something missing from the world today; something missing from the relationships we have with our friends, partners, work, extended family and often even our immediate family. The world we currently find ourselves can often feel lacking and fundamentally at odds with what we feel it could and should be like. |
We want to find our natural passions and expressions in life and make them our career and contribution to the world so that we can earnestly enjoy going to work every single day - to see the concept of retirement as something we hope never happens, let alone a goal to work towards – however we are often steered away from our natural interests and talents by the brutality of our current pressure-cooker education system, coupled with the code of societal worth that places workplace titles, salary levels and job security ahead of enjoyment and natural expression. The inner dialogue that ensues invariably runs along the lines of: “Just X more years and I can retire; I’ll finally be free do what I want to do!”.
And for those who do manage to stick to their guns and make their passion their work they are all too are often dismayed by the sheer lack of quality, purpose, trust and integrity of our current business world, where such seemingly innate and natural qualities require iron-clad legal contracts to ‘enforce’, as oppose to being the natural way of working together we all know should be the case. Once upon a time ones word was considered iron-clad. For many, dare I say most, integrity is now just another commodity.
For the first 25 years of my life I wrestled with all of the above: disheartened by friendships that dissolved as they refused to venture beyond the safety of surface-level intimacy; hurt by relationships that were doomed from the outset, having been entered into as a mutual arrangement that although lacked commitment to ever-deepening love they were better than being alone; and, I was dismayed by the culture of the working world to the point that less than 6 months into my first job I was already formulating my ‘way out’.
Then I met Serge Benhayon.
For the past decade one of my life’s greatest treasures has been, and is to this day, to count Serge Benhayon as a dear friend and role model. His humility, unwavering love, commitment to truth and his constant dedication to humanity has been a source of monumental inspiration and support to me; so much so that as I myself now stand as a loyal and trusted friend to many, a committed and ever-loving husband, a wise and nurturing father and a businessman whose word is indeed iron-clad with integrity, I can say with absolute humbleness and appreciation that my life has been enriched, evolved and transformed beyond measure as a result of knowing Serge Benhayon.